Without belief we have nothing.
Belief in an unfathomable heavenly father. Belief in each breath we take – and is not promised to us. Belief in a child-like understanding of Santa. Belief in the power of painting. Belief in love. Belief in fate. Belief in the understanding that everything happens for a reason. Belief that nothing goes un-noticed. Belief that God is good and people are nutty. Belief that laughter can heal. Belief that the snow will fall. Belief in a cure. Belief in world peace. Belief in the gift of imagination. Belief in the circle of life. Belief in the miracle of birth. Belief in our inability to understand everything. Belief in the faithfulness of family and friends. Belief in ancient ruins. Belief that people can change. Belief in getting lost in a book. Belief that if it's not okay then it's not the end. Belief that the people who love you the most will hurt you the most. Belief in the purpose of each life. Belief in the passion of our leaders. Belief in the ocean tide. Belief in our ability to let things go. Belief in butterflies. Belief in the motivation of a toddler. Belief that one tear can change everything. Belief in becoming a better person with each passing day. Belief in the people who make you smile. Belief in truth.
16 hours ago
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