Friday, March 4, 2011

posh push pins

Recently I have been dying to get my hands on the Pinwheel Push Pins from Anthropologie! However, the rest of Orance County must feel the same way I do since they are impossible to find in any of the stores.

So....just as I was about to order them online I decide to take a looksy at what Etsy might have to offer in this category, and WOW was I surpirsed. There were hundreds of search results filled with the most adorable and creative tacking options decorated with vintage fabrics, antique buttons, pearls, rhinestones, and well the list goes on and on!

After spending about an hour searching (some might argue I have no life) I finally settled on the pins below. One set is for work and one is for home and I am just dying to receive them from Paper Pumpkin!


  1. I ordered these pushpins as well and I absolutely cannot WAIT to get them! They are SO ADORABLE! I am going to use them at the office to brighten up my workspace. They totally evoke a fun playfulness that is just SO FETCH! LOVES IT!

  2. LOVE THEM! hahaha and hopefully lilly won't learn how to pull these ones out with her teeth!



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