Saturday, December 31, 2011

another happy new year

The one great thing about a blog is that it serves as permanent documentation. The one bad thing is that it doesn't actually hold you to the things you once wrote. Like last years resolutions for example.....not so much!

But 2012 is a new year AND it is going to be fabulous! I am not one of those people who is perpetually optimistic, SO when I say that 2012 is going to be my best year yet, well.....I believe it with every fiber of my being! I am truly giddy with excitement for this coming year!

Last year I set some very specific resolutions so this year I am taking a new might call it a rather vague approach, but hey.....I like to think it is more obtainable. Plus this time next year I am sure to say that I fulfilled my resolutions!

2012 Resolution List:

- spend more time with family

- read more

- watch less TV (darn reality shows)

- continue with my AMAZING bible study (love you girls)

- travel more (multiple vacations already planned) - Dallas, Vegas, London, Germany, Prague.....I'm well on my way with this one!

- find one NEW hobby.....I'm thinking it might be knitting but we'll see!

So from here in Hawaii to wherever the holiday season has you......I cheers to you my friends and loved ones. Here's to an incredible year of love, laughs, adventures and new memories ahead of us!

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year from So Cal to the "the Grand". Love you, you are so dear to me its crazy. I think I will add to your "list" and "mine". More time for Jill & Hales spent together.xo



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