Tuesday, December 21, 2010

year round wreaths

As Christmas draws near I can't help but think how sad I am going to be when taking down my decorations. Is it pathetic that I might like my home better with holiday decorations?!? All the garland, wreaths, lights, candles, and ornaments make my house seem so very cozy!

Therefore, I have officially decided that I need to make a few modifications around my home (post-holidays) to keep things fresh and warm. For starters I am going to order a new year-round wreath for the front door. Since I live on the water I am tempted to go beachy-chic to match the interior of my home but am slightly on the fence about this.
Normally there is a copper shell that hangs on the front door but to me it is too static and cold. I hope this wreath change will be the first of many fab changes to come!


  1. They are all gorgeous. I like the green (although does anything green look too holiday?) and the white best. What color is your door?

  2. ooh the white would really pop and look nice and modern against the black!



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